Increible: Algo para el TODO list?

Posted by Daniel Rodríguez | 10:23 AM | | 0 comments »

Vi esto en el blog, y quede impresionado. Debe ser una de las cosas mas increíbles de experimentar (después del triatlon claro, jajaja).

Miren el vídeo:

wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo

Esto debería ser algo que ponemos en un TODO list, como "saltar en paracaídas"?, pues aparentemente no. Requiere bastante entrenamiento para hacer "Proximity fly", pero me podría quedar únicamente con la experiencia de hacer saltos normales con wingsuits ;).

Aquí un comentario que dejo alguien en el vídeo, para hacerse una idea:

"Start off by becoming highly experienced and proficient at skydiving by acquiring AT LEAST several hundred jumps. You can then start learning how to fly wingsuits on normal skydives. You can also start doing regular BASE jumps (without wingsuits) after you have several hundred skydives. Once you have about 50-100 wingsuit skydives and 50-100 regular BASE jumps, you can then start flying a wingsuit on BASE jumps. After you become HIGHLY proficient at wingsuit BASE (several hundred wingsuit BASE jumps), you can then maybe start trying to proximity fly like these guys. It's not a "just for the experience" or a "bucket-list" thing. It requires an investment of many thousands of dollars and a strong dedication for many years. You also have to keep in mind that it's one of the most dangerous activities, and that many of the greatest wingsuit BASE jumpers are already dead or will be dead within a matter of years. If you truly desire to do it, then go for it, but it's not something that you can just rush into."